Thursday, 21 October 2010
Dear visitor,
- After extensive experiments in his digital gen technology lab, webmaster Cas has finally succeeded in creating
a clone of the dodo.
And, lo and behold, both birds can actually move too!
A major achievement. I guess he is already secretly preparing a 3-D version for the next update ...
- The webmaster has created another nouveauté: news flashes!
The moment you click on the website a digital ticker tape (no idea what such a thing is really called ...
A graphical banner? A flash banner?) appears for a few seconds on the screen, informing you of
the latest major developments on www.recordingpioneers.com.
Afterwards you can go to the NEWS section for more detailed information.
- And that is not all! The webmaster has also installed a SEARCH function. A very useful tool!
One can now type in a word or a combination of words (e.g. the name of a person,
record company or country) and up pops a list of all entries where this keyword occurs.
- No doubt The Fred Gaisberg Diaries (Part 1 & 2) will form a welcome addition to the DOCUMENTS section.
As you know, the DOCUMENTS section contains integral texts of travelogues and articles, which are often hard to come by.
Today we present to you The Fred Gaisberg Diaries Part 2: Going East (1902-1903)!
This is a lavishly illustrated annotated version of Gaisberg’s diaries, based on transcripts of the original text made by the late Ernie Bayly.
It is more than 25 years ago that these were published as a series of articles in Ernie Bayly’s The Talking Machine Review.
This reissue is a fitting, long overdue tribute to the man who masterminded this journal for years ...
The Fred Gaisberg Diaries Part 1: USA – Europe (1898-1902) is almost finished and will feature in our next update.
- And before I forget: congratulations, Mister Frank (Andrews), on your ninetieth birthday. May you stay forever young!
Hugo Strötbaum