Odd and extinct armonicas in Greek music
1a. Yákovos Mondanáris or “Yakoumís” (sandouri) with unknown musicians on guitar and button accordion (or “armónika”, as it is called in Greek) at a wedding (1928).
1b. Detail of 1a.
2a. Lázaros’ father, Níkos Koulaxízis, with unknown oud-player and clarinettist.
2b. Detail of 2a.
3a. Fisarmonika. Bourliotai? (Samos), ca. 1900
3b. Detail of 3a.
4a. Wedding dance, Karlóvasi (Samos), 1910-1920. From left to right: violin, fisarmonika and laouto.
4b. Detail of 4a.
5a. Theódoros Karabás, Greek instrument maker in New York, holding a three-string bouzouki. From left to right a violin, mandoline, a fisarmonika and a laouto.
5b. Detail of 5a.
6. Advertisement of F. Vrákas, Greek instrument maker in New York, selling fisarmonikas with 22 white and 15 black keys.