Otto Hermann Arthur MULTHAUPT 1871 - 1928
aka | Otto H. A. Multhaupt, O. Multhaupt, O. H. A. Multhaupt |
nationality | |
occupation | |
birth | 5 Feb 1871, Nienburg an der Weser (GERMANY) |
baptism | |
death | 2 June 1928, Berlin (GERMANY) |
burial | |
marriage | .... <1896>, ........:
![]() b. 11 Apr 1869, Nordstemmen (bei Hildesheim) - baptism 23 May 1869, Hannover |
children |
marriage | 11 June 1919, Berlin:
![]() ![]() b. 21 Sep 1896, Berlin divorced on 21 Sep 1927, Berlin |
children | |
remark | 1) A certain Fritz MOLDENHAUER wrote an article entitled Die Matrizen (in: Die Sprechmaschine No. 4, p. 72 (1 March 1906)) |
remark | 2) Mother of Franz & Max HAMPE was Klara MOLDENHAUER |
father | Otto Karl Gottfried MULTHAUPT b. ........, ........ |
mother | Johanne Hedwig HUSTEDT b. ........, ........ |
children |
author of "Die moderne Elektrizität. Lehrbuch über die Anwendung der Elektrizität für Gewerbetreibende und Interessenten. Berlin, R. Schwarz, 1901
recorder for FAVORITE (Mpt; e/g/h) 1904-1906
(in 1911: Engelbosteler Damm 121, Hannover)
Technical Director ORPHEON (St. Petersburg)
For Rodkinson's involvement see also "A Voice in Time", pp 124-125 about activities in 1909 in Russia (probably ORPHEON)
see also Otto Multhaupt folder:
PhZ 10 J./No. 15/p. 409 (early 1909)
PhZ 10 J./No. 28/p. 666 (18 Nov 1909)
PhZ 11 J./No. 10/p. 280
PhZ 11 J./No. 45/p. 1003
PhZ 12 J./No. 46/p. 1057 (1911)
Otto Multhaupt was author of several articles in the Phonographische Zeitschrift
In 1911 Otto Multhaupt advertises his "Phonotechnische Centrale Otto Multhaupt Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Holsteinische Strasse 14" (in: Phonographische Zeitschrift 12. Jahrg., No. 19, p. 443)
online Berliner Adressbücher:
1895 not listed
1896 O. Multhaupt, Ingenieur. W Grunewaldstrasse 18, Berlin
1897 O. Multhaupt, Ingenieur. Behringstrasse 2 II, Baumschulenweg, Berlin
1898 O. Multhaupt, Ingenieur. Baumschulenstrasse 96, Baumschulenweg, Berlin
1899 Otto Multhaupt, Ingenieur. Frankfurter Allee 37 III, Berlin
1900 Otto Multhaupt, Ingenieur. Frankfurter Allee 37 III, Berlin
1901 not listed
1902 not listed
1903 not listed
1905 not listed
1906 not listed
1907 not listed
1908 not listed
1909 not listed
1910 Otto Multhaupt, Ingenieur. Holsteinische Str. 14, Wilmersdorf, Berlin
1911 not listed
1912 Otto Multhaupt, Ingenieur. Holsteinische Str., Wilmersdorf, Berlin (also a "Bernard Multhaupt" Kontorist/Buchhalter listed in Wilmersdorf)
1913 Otto Multhaupt, Ingenieur. Holsteinische Str., Wilmersdorf, Berlin. T. Bfzb. 2864
1914 Otto Multhaupt, Ingenieur. Holsteinische Str., Wilmersdorf, Berlin.
1915 not listed (military service?)
1916 not listed
1917 not listed
1918 not listed
1919 not listed
1920 not listed
1921 Otto Multhaupt, Ingen., Direkt. Uhlandstrasse 107 II, Wilmersdorf, Berlin.
1921 Otto Multhaupt, Ingen. Uhlandstrasse 107 II, Wilmersdorf, Berlin.
1922 Otto Multhaupt, Ingen. Uhlandstrasse 107 II, Wilmersdorf, Berlin.
1923 not listed
1924 Otto Multhaupt, Ingen. Uhlandstrasse 107 II, Wilmersdorf, Berlin. T. Uhlb. 3242
1925 Otto Multhaupt, Ingen. Uhlandstrasse 107 II, Wilmersdorf, Berlin.
1926 Otto Multhaupt, Ingen. Lefèvrestr 25, Friedenau, Berlin (Erdg. T. (= Telephon) Rheing. 6588
Margarete Multhaupt geb. Schlüter, Zigarrenhandlung. Lefèvrestr 25, Friedenau, Berlin (Erdg. T. (= Telephon) Rheing. 6588
1927 Otto Multhaupt, Ingen. Lefèvrestr 25, Friedenau, Berlin (Erdg. T. (= Telephon) Rheing. 6588
Margarete Multhaupt geb. Schlüter, Zigarrenhandlung. Lefèvrestr 25, Friedenau, Berlin (Erdg. T. (= Telephon) Rheing. 6588
Otto Multhaupt not found after 1927 because they were divorced. Otto Multhaupt died on 2 June 1928
1928 Margarete Multhaupt geb. Schlüter, Zigarrenhandlung. Lefèvrestr 25, Friedenau, Berlin (Erdg. T. (= Telephon) Rheing. 6588
1929 Margarete Multhaupt geb. Schlüter, Zigarrenhandlung. Lefèvrestr 25, Friedenau, Berlin (Erdg. T. (= Telephon) Rheing. 6588
1930 ditto
1931 ditto
Margarete Multhaupt-Schlüter not found after 1931
- Die moderne Elektrizität. Lehrbuch über die Anwendung der Elektrizität für Gewerbetreibende und Interessenten by Otto Multhaupt. Berlin, R. Schwarz, 1901
- Favorite: the story of an independent German record company (1904-1914) by Hugo Strötbaum (in: The Lindström Project. Contributions to the history of the record industry / Beiträge zur Geschichte der Schallplattenindustrie. Vol. 2 (editors: Pekka Gronow & Christiane Hofer). Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger, Wien 2010. ISBN 978-3-9500502-1-9
- Seventy-eight Revolutions Per Minute in the Levant. A Discography of Favorite's Oriental Recordings by Hugo Strötbaum (in: De Turcicis Aliisque Rebus, Commentarii Henry Hofman dedicati, M. Vandamme (ed.). Utrecht 1992, 227 pages (ISBN 90-393-0291-x))
- Favorite: 1904-1914. Oftewel het relaas van de ongrijpbare q-serie. by Hugo Strötbaum (in: De Weergever, 17e jaargang No. 6 - november-december 1995, pp. 243-265)
- De Geschiedenis van Favorite: 1904-1914, deel 2. De opbouw van het katalogusnummer (=facenumber); achtergrondinformatie over de firma 'Favorite' by Hugo Strötbaum (in: De Weergever, 18e jaargang No. 1 - januari-februari 1996, pp. 2-22)
- De Geschiedenis van Favorite: 1904-1914, deel 3 (slot). Voorlopig overzicht van de opnamesessies van Favorite, 1904-1914. by Hugo Strötbaum (in: De Weergever, 18e jaargang No. 2 - maart-april 1996, pp. 51-71)
- articles in the Phonographische Zeitschrift
- For Rodkinson's involvement see also "A Voice in Time", pp 124-125 about activities in 1909 in Russia (probably ORPHEON)
- PhZ 10 J./No. 15/p. 409 (early 1909) (in: Otto Multhaupt file)
- PhZ 10 J./No. 28/p. 666 (18 Nov 1909) (in: Otto Multhaupt file)
- PhZ 11 J./No. 10/p. 280 (in: Otto Multhaupt file)
- PhZ 11 J./No. 45/p. 1003 (in: Otto Multhaupt file)
- PhZ 12 J./No. 46/p. 1057 (1911) (in: Otto Multhaupt file)
- online Berliner Adressbücher
- Favorite: Grammofoninnspillingene og artistene by Vidar Vanberg (Norsk grammofonplatehistorie 17. Eget forlag, Oslo 2007. ISBN 978-82-91962-03-0)
- Favorite Records: A Discography by Frank Andrews and Bill Dean-Myatt (CLPGS Reference Series No. 8, 2010 with CD-ROM entitled Favorite Records in the United Kingdom: A history and catalogue reonstruction.
- Schallplatten-Fabrikation by Otto Birckhahn (in: Berliner Tageblatt: Technische Rundschau of 24 Feb 1909, p. ?)
- Deutsche Schallplatten in Amerika (in: Zeitschrift für Instrumentenbau of 21 Mar 1906, p. ?)
- Als Linden noch Zentrum der Weltmusik war by Simon Benne (in: Hannoversche Allgemeine of 14 November 2015)
Christian Zwarg
Maria Kapkidi (co-researcher RP)